Saturday 28 April 2012

I've been Smash*ing!

Hi there. Something a bit different from me today - as my post title says...I've been Smash*ing!! Now these books seem to have taken the crafting world by storm and I think everyone's heard of them but for the two of you that haven't, they're something that K&Co brought out a while ago, kinda like a scrapbook. I actually bought two of these books - the red one and the blue one, when they first came out but I know it sounds silly but it took me ages to use them cos I was worried about mucking them up!! Now I've finally bit the bullet, I thought I'd share them with you:

It's basically lots of quotes/sayings/words to live by, most of which I found on pinterest, and then I went a bit kerazy doodling with my sakura pens!!
Let me know if you've been smash*ing and if you've put any of your pages on your blog, please share the link, so I can have a nosey at yours. Hope you've enjoyed seeing something a smidge different?!?
Lastly, let me go saying 'MAN, Is it EVER gonna stop raining?!?!?' The funny thing is, there was talk of a hosepipe ban - what a joke!! Back

1 comment:

  1. love the idea of a quotes/saying page! it looks great!!



Thank you so much for any comments that you take the time to leave me - they really make my day! And I really do appreciate your visit, so please come back soon! Luv and Hugs xx

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